Travel lite

Traveling, whether you choose a plane, train or automobile traveling can be hard when you’re trying to make changes and healthy choices.

The average airport is full of temptations from the McDonald’s french fries to the news stand candy section and don’t forget about the Starbucks drinks. So how do you successfully navigate a trip without adding 10 pounds?

I’ll tell you one thing – it’s not easy and requires a significant amount of self control.

I’m the type of person that likes to plan ahead, whether that means packing a lunch in the morning, packing my gym bag or scheduling time with friends – I’m a planner. This extends to any time I’m traveling no matter the transportation method.

I plan out what to pack, make sure I know when I need to leave and the best way to get where I’m going and because I never want to be caught hungry I usually plan a snack….or two. And while this plan starts with the best of intentions it doesn’t always end up that way.

Think about it, what are the most convenient and easily packable snacks? They tend to be pre-packaged cookies, chips or crackers and unless you tightly monitor your intact can go from a good idea to a bad one very quickly.

Take for example the humble goldfish cracker. Compact, tastes and easy to travel with – but do you know what the suggested serving size is? I can tell you it’s not a whole page which is very easy to consume in one sitting. So if you love the “snack that smiles back” and want to take them as your travel companion I’d suggest consulting the trusty ziploc bag.

Maybe you’re the type that doesn’t plan ahead and will grab something at the airport or rest stop or if you’re riding the train in the diner car. There are several flaws to this logic the least of which is the fact that you’re going to pay out the nose for your snacks.

So now that I’ve identified that problem, you’re probably wondering what the solution is. Simple – pack your snacks and pack things that are healthy or healthy adjacent. Might I suggest any of the flowing:

  • Bananas: compact, self contained and full of healthy nutrients. No only that but for most a banana can be pretty filling.
  • Popcorn: Bare in mind that when I say popcorn I’m not referring to the “movie theatre butter” or “butter lovers” varieties. But if you make your own popcorn and lightly season it you’ll have a healthy and filling snack that can travel.
  • Oranges: Personally this little ball of citrus is not my favorite but like its friend the banana it is self contained and compact enough to easily travel
  • String cheese: This snack lends itself more to a car trip because you could pack a cooler but if eaten within a reasonable amount of time it could travel on a plan as well. String cheese offers not only the cheese we all love but a low fat source of protein.
  • Nuts: Word to the wise the serving size of nuts is smaller than you think, but some almonds, peanuts or pistachios are always a good in flight snack.

Another important tip would be to pack a drink, now if you’re flying I would suggest bringing a water bottle and using one of the nifty filling stations most airports now offer. No matter where you are, if you find yourself hungry a good gulp of water can help fill you up.

In a bind you can stop at a gas station or one of the stores in the airport but try to stay away from overly sugar options and go for water or flavored water.

There is no big secret as to how to travel without busting your gut by indulging in the foods you normally wouldn’t eat but buy because you’re  “on vacation” – it takes planning and like all things self control.

If you’re wondering what you do when you reach your destination, well that’s another story for another time.

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